Spanish Exploradores Campers Experience Culture, Food & Language

A collage of photos with kids making food.


¡Mexico, Chile, Spain OLÉ! Campers learned travel vocabulary and fun things about each country:

  • music
  • dance
  • poets
  • artists
  • holidays and celebrations
  • Fun FACTS

They also made food! But what was more fun was eating it!! ¡Que rico!

Four different pictures of a casserole and chips.

¡Viva México!


  • Enchiladas Verdes con Queso
  • Guacamole
  • Enchiladas Mole con Queso
  • Frijoles Refritos



A bowl of rice and milk with cinnamon sticks.

Postre- Arroz con leche



A collage of people sitting at a table with food.


  • Manchego Cheese
  • Tortilla Española
  • Aceite de Oliva





A close up of some food on the table

Postre – Churros








  • Palta y Queso con Pan Tostado ( Once)
  • Pebre
  • Empanadas de Queso
  • Postre – Manjar

